

Wes is home resting. I am his nurse.
Well, that's the role I should have.....
But there isn't much to do, since he's not doing much, except sleeping.
His stomach is covered with staples.
Staples in flesh just doesn't seem right, does it?
Wes had three different incisions. They tried to remove his 'independix' laparoscopically first, which took two smaller incisions, but when they couldn't they did another incision that's 5-6 inches long, starting right below the belly button and going straight down.
Ever heard of that? Until now I've only heard of it being off the the side, in a slant.
I'm sure there's a reason they did it the way they did but in the meantime, his stomach looks like a elementary school teachers cork board with staples scattered about.
Zoe made this little piece of art for Wes when he was in the hospital.

And Nolan made Wes one of his famous comic strips.
If you don't mind, I'll add the words he's written below, because if you are like me, you may be struggling to read it, with his handwriting being.... well, ya know...


*hee hee hee*

Stop flinging pudding at me

Pssh. What are you gonna do? Hit me with your-


Can I get some of that morphine?


dar said...

I'd definitely would want some answers from the Doc at followup, that just doesn't look right... at all

I am LoW said...

What doesn't? That it's 3? (cause I get that it's 3) Or the one below the belly button?

dar said...

below the belly button, and staple job looks terrible

I am LoW said...

I just told mom on the picture post that from my two c-sections, the staple job was about the same, if not worse, and now it's just a faint white line of a scar.

All8 said...


I'm glad that Wes is doing better. And I must agree, human flesh and staples, just don't mix. I'd take cat gut over staples any day. {{shudder}}

p.s. Congratulations on your Anniversary.

dar said...

cute pics by your kiddo's too

The Crash Test Dummy said...

hahahaahahahahahahah Nolan is so cute.

The Crash Test Dummy said...

And of course, Zoe is so cute too. But that goes without saying.