Happy Anniversary to my honey!
My sister Darla is grossed out by this picture (as you may be).

But it's my all time favorite of us. It represents.
Sadly, I don't have the usual nostalgic feeling on this anniversary. I'm usually petering out by now anyways, after my birthday, Valentine's, Rae's birthday and then Zoe's. (see why I don't much care for Valentine's? It's just one more thing...) But this year with it being a big birthday for me (40! gasp!) and Rae (16! gasp-er!) plus Wes getting his 'independix' removed (that's what Zoe said)..... I am just too pooped to think on our marriage like I usually do, where we've been........ where we are going.
(except I will be thinking of where we are going to dinner tonight!)
Maybe I should go back and read our love story.
I hope Gary writes me a poem today. That's our tradition and it's my most favorite thing EVER!
But I love this man. And he loves me. Even though.
I ask him almost daily... (yes, I am one of those wifes)
"Do you love me?"
"Even though?"
"Even though."
Even though what, you ask?
Heck if I know, depends on the day. Even though I made Hamburger Helper for dinner. Even though I got snarky. Even though I am getting crinkly and wrinkly. Even though I've done and will yet do some stupid stuff. Even though, even though, even though.
I would like to close this post with some pictures of the birthday gift I found for my birthday girl that I was most excited to give her.
A vintage Fisher Price School House which, I am SO excited to report, she loves!

Zoe doesn't play with toys much, like my other kids did. Maybe she just didn't have the right ones.
Rae took this picture of Zoe through the school house window.
Today closes our almost month long celebration of birthday's and love.
And I could use the break!
I am SO, SO jealous of the school house. Wherever did you find it? She's a good kid to appreciate that kind of a gift. Love it. Happy Birthday to everyone. (How's Wes?)
happy anniversary you two
awwwww, that was sweet. I guess there is such thing as too much lub. Especially when the indepenex comes out in between the lub fest.
Happy 40th! And so on . . .
Even though!
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