
My highschoolers, Rae and Nolan (and a friend), usually take the bus to school after attending early morning seminary but yesterday they waited 'til the very last second to have me sign papers for their new classes of the semester and were late for the bus..... so I had the privilege of taking them to school.
On the way to school, Rae's friend said, "What's up with that bag?"
Rae said, "I have gym this semester, I am using it as a gym bag."
Friend said, "Oh".
Rae said, "It totally looks like a diaper bag."
(no it doesn't)
"It's my mom's."
"I don't wear diapers!" I exclaimed. Of all the nerve.
"Yes she does" Rae says to her friend, and with no idea when and where to stop, went on about her mom and diapers.
(I really don't wear diapers but you see, I can let go of my pride and cause a disturbing visual for a good laugh)
"That's okay Rae.....Keep it up, I'll get you back," I warned.
"She always says that," Rae tells her friend, as though she had not a worry in the world of me following through.
All the while Nolan is shaking his head, knowing something was sure to come.
Shortly after, we arrived safely at the high school they attend. Rae climbed out of the van into the crowded drop off spot in front of the school, then leaned in to gather her things with the vans sliding door wiiiiiide open....
"Don't forget your DIAPER BAG Rae!!!!!"
After all, I didn't want her to miss dressing out for gym today. I mean, the semester just started and we wouldn't want her to get a zero so early on, you know?
Before closing this post and before you start thinking I am a mean mom, just so you know, enjoying the embarrassment of my children is not something I would normally do.
I swear it!
.**thanks google image for the diaper bag picture
I personally love it!
hehe! :-D
too funny, I wish I could think of things like that when the opportunity arrives
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