
Fall Break = Beach Trip!


It was a bit too cold to play in the water (although some were braving it) but just right to be outside.


Snarky Belle said...

I love these pictures...but I'm the weirdy that loves the beach no matter the weather. Hope you had a great time! :)

I am LoW said...

I too believe that beach trips work in any weather. My favorite is in the winter! :-)

Mamafamilias said...

Yep, the beach is great in the fall. For several years, my whole family would meet at Myrtle Beach for Thanksgiving, and eat Thanksgiving dinner at the K&W and get up at 4:00 in the morning the day after to go shopping. Love the beach in the fall.

Sister Black said...

aw, man! why didn't you invite me?

I am LoW said...

Gloria- shopping at 4 AM is something I have never done. I just don't think it's in me.

Ma- it was imprompu. Or else I would have. :)

The Crash Test Dummy said...

Oh HOW FUN!!!!!