
Another Birthday (and Rae's first attempt at filming)

Bet you didn't know I could sing like that.....
Bet you didn't know I could leave my ironing board out like that.....
Bet you didn't know Nolan could turn 18 like that....
Bet you didn't know he could do a Pakistani accent like that.....
Bet you didn't know he could blow candles out speedy quick like that.
Bet you didn't know I could buy him a sampler cheese cake for his birthday cake like that....
There's a lot you don't know about me. Or Nolan.
Happy Birthday Nolan!!!!


Sister Black said...

now that i've taken some dramamine...let me just say i particularly enjoyed the view of the inside of nolan's ear. that was and interesting "perspective" rae!
happy birthday nolan! your birthday buddy...your great grandma turned 80 yesterday as well.

aniC said...

woah nellie!! i can appreciate rae's artistic desires, but that video hurt my head.

The Kooky Queen--Rachel said...

Hahaha, love the "you jerk" inserted into the song, how funny! That cake looks heavenly!!!

I am LoW said...

Rachel- Bet you didn't know I could call him a jerk so lovingly!! :-)