Ever since our visit to DC last month, I've been left wonderin' about a few things....
Like, is this log camouflaged?
And why would a log need to be camouflaged?

And am I capable of painting a piece like this one?
Because I can't afford it but I waaaant it.

Will the baby of the family ever learn that the phrase 'baby of the family' doesn't make her technically A BABY?
Should I tell her? Or just keep pushing her around in a stroller?
If the answer is yes, then do I have to admit that it wasn't my idea? That I saw another tourist come up with the idea and then I copied him?
Su .
What have you been wonderin' about lately?
Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!
ha ha ha ha ha So cute, you are.
to answer your first wonder, yes, the log is camo'd. to answer the second question, if there is anything my mom taught me it's "do not question a camo'd log."
are you capable of paiting a picture like that...yes. probably even better.
as for your sister, once a baby always a baby. that's just how it goes. so just keep pushing me...i mean HER around.
and last but not least, yep, it's a cool picture. because me and zoe are chillin'. and it's ok to be a copycat sometimes.
does that answer all your wonderings?
lately, i've been wonderin if my appetite will ever be appeased again, and why i am always SO hungry ALL time time??
I agree with all the other yes's.
i LOVE the painting...and yes you can! (my problem would be the "perspective") did you discover that cammoed log by tripping over it? because, boy-howdy! it's really hiding out there in plain sight it's so well cammoed! anitra is right about the other 2 things too...always the baby and...copying is a-ok! if it's a good concept (because it's the sincerest form of flattery you know)
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