


I am SO excited about this Giveaway!!!

To celebrate my new blog makeover (lookin' good, huh?).

And a revolutionary food storage program- you have the chance to win something awesome!!

Check this out- Shelf Reliance has this new program called THRIVE Q- it's kinda like Netflix, but it's for food storage. THRIVE Q is a monthly pay-as-you-go program that allows YOU to build a customized food storage plan to meet YOUR specific needs.

Shelf Reliance knows that a lot of people feel the need to build a food storage plan. Buying a full food storage supply at once does not work for everyone. THRIVE Q helps people to set goals that work with their homes, families, and finances.

The THRIVE Q can conveniently be paused or stopped at any time and you can edit your plan as needed. Additionally, your budgeted amount can be easily altered to adjust to changing circumstances. What’s more, the THRIVE Q comes with no contract or obligation.

Here’s how the THRIVE Q works:
*A family or individual creates a customized food storage plan through the Shelf Reliance website (www.shelfreliance.com/Q).
* The THRIVE Q “Pay As You Go” payment option is selected.
*A monthly budget is determined.
*The plan is then divided into monthly shipments (based on the determined budget) that ship automatically to your home.
*Monthly shipments and billings are automatically generated until your THRIVE Q plan is complete.
*Plans can be paused, altered, or cancelled at any time.

The THRIVE Q is great because it promotes the concept of continually preparing while responsibly staying out of debt. It also allows families and individuals to completely customize a plan to their preferences. This isn’t a one-size-fits-all program, which makes Shelf Reliance’s concept incredibly unique.

With the availability of the THRIVE Q, Shelf Reliance believes that every family and individual can now build a customized food storage plan at their own pace. To start your THRIVE Q, visit www.shelfreliance.com/Q.

Also, to celebrate the launch of the Shelf Reliance THRIVE Q, you can receive 10% off your plan! To take advantage of this offer, simply enter Q10 into the reference code box located in step 3 of the THRIVE Q Settings page.

To make the launch even sweeter, Shelf Reliance would like to giveaway a THRIVE Essentials Sample Pack to one lucky winner! The Essentials sample pack comes with 6 #10 cans of some of the most popular THRIVE food storage items! Contents of the sample pack include: Whole Wheat Flour, Hard White Winter Wheat, Instant Rice, Freeze-Dried Strawberries, Potato Chunks, and Small Red Beans.

That's a pretty sweet Giveaway!!!

And how CUTE would your pantry look with those gorgeous cans?!

Here is how it will work.

You have can enter your name into my comment box several times, to up your chances of being chosen at random- using random.org.

1-Everyone can enter their name once.

2-Enter again (a separate time) if you put my 'I know LoW' button on your blog. (your main blog please)

3-Enter again (another separate time) if you tell your readers on your blog about this sweet Giveaway and link to it. (just one blog please, your main one....)

4-Enter again for telling everyone on Twitter. (and let's follow each other)

5-Enter again for putting a link to the giveaway on your Facebook status. (and let's be friends)

And there is one more, 6-if you email at least 10 friends and family (and include my email) and tell them about the Giveaway (and give them the link), you can enter your name again.

You have the chance to enter your name SIX times.

Be sure to enter your name in the comment box separately for each. If it's combined all in one comment, it will be counted as only one entry.

I will use random.org a week from today (next Monday morning) to select one very lucky winner!

Good luck!

(will you all be offended if I enter myself?)


As for some fine print rules- sorry my friends outside the US, this Giveaway has to stay in the states. :(


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Beth said...

I should TOTALLY get chosen for being the first comment!!! How fun is this? I hope i win!

aniC said...

wooooooo doggy!! here is my first entrance!!

aniC said...

yeeeeeeeeeeeee HAAAWWW!!! i already have your button on my blog! that should count for like 2 or 3 entrances!

Beth said...

All righty, I put something on my blog, so here is entry #2-this competition could be fierce!!

aniC said...

yaaaaaaaaaaaa hoooeeey! i posted about it on my blog. entrance #3 baby!!

aniC said...

boooo yaaah! just put it on my facebook status. numero quatro!

Mel said...

Pick ME! Pick ME!

aniC said...

wooooop woooooop! just set up a twitter account so i could tweet about this! 5 points for me! (or 5 chances to win)
p.s. i have TWO blogs? does that mean if i post about it on both blogs i can enter again?!?! do let me know asap!

Mel said...

Your giveaway is now on Facebook! (again!)

Mel said...

Now your giveaway is on the LIST!

that makes 3! I don't twitter

Mel said...

I put it on my Blog! I put it on my Blog!


Carolyn G said...

What a cool giveaway, thanks.

sara said...

Wow, I like the cute cans! My pantry could definately use a little more cute. Do you know how I can rig random.org to pick me?

Homer and Queen said...

If your sister wins I will poke her in the eye!!! Doesthis come with already made cheesecake bars?

Catherine said...

Yeah, Lo - You gonna let your sister win?? She's got that baby ... what does she need the cute tins for?!

Sherena said...

Hey I love a giveaway but when you add the free food deal that is even better. Can we take into consideration the size of ones family. There are 7 of us, we need more food!!! Really we do!!

Sherena said...

Okay it is on my facebook, that is entry #2 for me. Did I mention that we NEED more food?

Sherena said...

I did the twitter thing, I am amazed at how hip and in the "know" you are low on this internet stuff. I have never even heard of twitter.

ps Need more food!!!

Sister Black said...

alas...i do not blog
i do not twitter
i won't book "my face"
or "button" up
but...i love cute cans
and i am hungry
so this is my one and only
very lonely
to your giveaway and if you WON'T give to your mother
who GAVE you life
at the risk of her OWN

aniC said...

yippy skippy!! i sent an email to 10 people (as you saw). my 6th and final entry.

and seriously people, stop the hatin'. if you knew me, you'd know i NEVER win things, so even though i entered 6 times, its like i didn't enter at all, and your odds of winning are just as good as if i hadn't entered at all.

Sherena said...

You are on my blog! A very nice link to your blog is now on my blog.


(please send free food)

Marci G said...

This sounds awesome, Lo!! It appeals to the packrat in me! LOL!!

Sherena said...

I actually posted a new blog about the giveaway. I do hope it sparks me to start writing again. I miss it. Maybe if I won something cool like, hmmm, cute, colorful cans of food that might spark some inspiration. It would certainly put me in my happy place.

Sherena said...

Okay this is my final entry. I e-mailed a lot of friends. I am sorry to say I really do not want any of them to come here and put their name in the hat because I really want to win.

I am sorry for your misfortune aniC, I feel really bad that you never win. In the spirit of good sportsmanship, I do wish you good luck. May the best and most needy person win!!

(did I mention there are seven of us) :-D good luck ya'll

Marci G said...

Ok, I've got it on Facebook...but how would you know that so I could have another entry? I'm so confused! LOL

Unknown said...

Hope I win.

Marci G said...

Ok, another entry for telling 55 people! cha-ching! :-)

Cheryl D said...

My cupboard needs some prettying up too. Guess I'll re-join Twitter again...sigh.. :)

Mel said...

Enter me again - just for the fun of it!

Anjeny said...

LOL..you ladies are so funny. LoW, since that mom of yours just played some guilt trip on you and your sister lets you play with her cute baby and Sara over can rig the randomachick picking thingie, how is anyone else going to have a chance on here?

Oh yeah and Sherena there posting about seven in her family...FINE, I have nine in mine, clearly you can see I would need the food more. On top of that, I have three very healthy teenagers eating me out of my house, they are moving on to my food storage..SEE I need it more...ahahahah.

LoW, this is a really fun give-away. So here's one entry for me. Lemme see if I can try and catch up with your sister..eheheh.

Anjeny said...

Ok, I've had your button my blog for a while now so this sooooo qualify me to win this give-away...don't forget my never sated healthy eating teenagers...LOL. Entry #2 for moi!

Chris said...

Ok Cuz, here goes entry #1. I will be back, think I can do most everything but tweet.

Chris said...

Link posted on my blog. www.rikerhome.blogspot.com I think that is actually a pic of your mom saying I know Low? am i right?

Chris said...

#3 gave me a reason to update the blogging. You are officially a post as well as a link. Working on FB now. Will you accept my friend request. :-)

Chris said...

OK, put you on the FB status and asked why can't we be friends. Too lame to tweet, already have too many bad habits. I will do the email thing, I will cc you in.

Does that make 5? Not quite as many as Anitra, but I just can't give in on the tweets. Sorry peeps.

Amanda :-) said...

Chris ^^^ up here ^^^ drew my attention to this on her FB status. Don't enter me, cos I'm in the UK! But I just wanted to say good luck with this. I do admire people who have the gumption to organise things like this. And, oh that packaging! That is soooo cute!

Anjeny said...

Alright...I've posted about this give-away on my blog. Here's the link


to see my post. I believe this makes it my #3 entry. Now, will you please add me on your Facebook so I can give a shout out about it too on there. I don't twitter so I might be at least one short on the entry. I'll be emailing my friends about your give-away later today, aight?

Saige Burns said...

I hope i win!!!

tennisgal said...

Oooh! Pick me :) (but your mom did present a good case)

Emma said...

I love food storage! Pick meeee!!!!

Emma said...

I put your low button on my blog

Emma said...

I made a post about your giveaway

Emma said...

I put a link on my facebook

Emma said...

I sent an email to 10 people

News Around The Blogs said...

Great giveaway!!

newsaroundtheblogs at live dot com

Cheryl said...

Great giveaway. I've just started hearing about the pay as you go. It's sounds great.

Cheryl said...

I posted about it on our blog!

Amanda said...

oh oh oh, I want in :) Thanks Low!

Anjeny said...

Hooray!! I've given a shout-out about your give-away on Facebook. I believe that makes it #4 entry...how's that for sticking with something.

I think this has got to be the most fun and competitive blog give-away I've come across LoW...very clever girl you are!! LOL

Heather (Haslett) Klaver said...

hey! my mom mentioned this and told me to check out your blog (but what she didn't know is that i have already been secretly reading your blog and i love it). :) keep 'em coming!

staynathome said...

i totally want this bad!

Jinii said...

I need this to start me off!

The Pachuilo Family said...

This would help our family start our food storage, we have a few things, but not much.

dar said...

oh low, the things you do to get a bunch of people to comment on your blog... :o)
I'll have to check out some facebooks to see how its posted on there, cuz I am almost as bad as ma as far as doing all this online stuff

Anonymous said...

I think this is a fantastic idea. I am so excited I am going to spend the next hour just reading about it.
Thanks for the giveaway.

Heather said...

Yah enter me! I never win anything!

Heather said...

Yah again! I posted on my blog!

Heather said...

Go food storage! I put on the button!

Heather said...

Please pick me, I e-mailed all my friends!

Sue M. said...

Pick Me! Pick Me!

(even if you need to cheat, Lorinda)...

kakumei said...

The fact is im the best lookin person who commented so why shouldnt it go to meeeeee!?!?

Monica said...

Wow what I great give away. Pick me Pick me.

dar said...

ok, I emailed 10 people, this should be my lucky number

Unknown said...

I love free food!

dar said...

I also did my part on facebook.
I could say that I need it most because I got 4 teenage boys and three growing kiddo's. I could also say I need some beautiful pastel colored food storage containers, but since it doesn't work that way...
random.com - pick me!

msfears said...

Awesome Give-A-Way! WoOHOO

Jess said...

Love the giveaway and could really use those cute cans in my food storage.

alli said...

This would be a perfect way to jump start my food storage. And you're right. Those are some lovely food storage containers.

alli said...

Your button is officially on my blog!

Jodie said...

This is my first entry. I need those cute cans. My decor is suffering in my food storage closet. Jodie Barney

Carrie Maseda said...

Okay, here is my first entry.

The Crash Test Dummy said...

HOLY HELK GIRL. 72 comments!!

Are people really that worried about eating?

So shallow.


Jenna Z said...

Those cans are supremely gorgeous!! I like that you can pause the plan, makes sense! Thanks for the chance to win!

Cindy Howard said...

You totally sold me on thrive with the raspberry cake bars. I've already checked out their site, and love it. I have to throw my name in the pot. Great giveaway.

Cindy Howard said...

I don't think I can win, even if random did pick me, but I am trying, because this is great stuff. Thanks.

Cindy Howard said...

I twitter, therefore I am.

Cindy Howard said...

Facebook, my last hope. I'll keep my fingers crossed.

MakingChanges said...

I got your button on my blog. YEAH!

MakingChanges said...

You're on my Facebook! I wanna be your friend!!!! Really, I do!

Ashley and Caleb said...

Count me in! Love it!

Jamie said...

What a great idea - and even better as a giveaway.

Jenn said...

Enter me in your contest. Jenn

April and Michael Maughan said...

My first visit to your site. Pretty cool giveaway. Those Shelf Reliance Cans really do make a pretty food storage :)

Taylor Family said...

Nice giveaway! And lovely blog--it's my first visit, but it won't be last:)

roxanne said...

Thanks for offering this great giveaway!

crazygirl said...

wow those ARE pretty cans.. i've never seen that sight before.. off to have a look see!
(and try and enter my name numerous times to get those pretty things! :)

Vennesa said...

You're on my blog! Thanks

Vennesa said...

Thanks for the chance to win! I'd love to try them.

Becky said...

I LOVE food storage! Thank you!!

Hildie said...

sign me up!

Becca said...

Who knew #10 cans could be pretty?!
beccachristensen at hotmail dot com

Kelly M said...

This is awesome! I'm off to let others know and hope to be back to enter again. I hope random is my friend.

Kristin said...

Cool! Nice giveaway.


Brent and Tracie said...

Thanks! tgessel@hotmail.com

MelanieJ said...

thanks for the shot at winning!

Alyssa said...

This looks great. Thanks!

Stephanie :) said...

I soooo want to win!

Stephanie :) said...

I added your button to my blog...

Stephanie :) said...

And then I told everyone about the giveaway on my blog.....

Stephanie :) said...

And then I tweeted....

Stephanie :) said...

And after that I updated my Facebook status.....

Stephanie :) said...

And I'm thinking you got my email.....I sound like I have no life. But I really want to win!

Annell said...

Enter me!! Would love to win!

Annell said...

Blogged about you.

Annell said...

Facebooked about you.

Annell said...

And then emailed about you! Thanks a bunch!

Anonymous said...

Here's my first entry....glad I found this just in time!

Heather O. said...

I just clicked from LRS. Awesome giveaway!

Heather O. said...

I also emailed my ENTIRE RELIEF SOCIETY about you. Please pick me!!

Heather O. said...

I just put up a link on Mormon Mommy Wars (www.mormonmommywars.com). I love you that much. Please pick me.

Elise said...

Oh, I need this! We're just trying to get going on food storage but with a student budget!

Unknown said...

sounds good

Kestrel said...

I'm only entering once... but i have my fingers crossed!

Also, Shelf Reliance, this is BRILLIANT. WHAT A GREAT IDEA.

Stephanie said...

I would love the food storage. It would round out my year's supply.

Amanda said...

This would totally help out with our food storage while we're still in school.

Loren & Kim said...

I would love some free food storage!

Loren & Kim said...

I put a link on my facebook!

Melissa said...

Free food storage is always good- your program looks great!

Anonymous said...

I need food storage!

Liz D.

amylouwhosews said...

count me in!

Sargent Family said...

food storage that looks pretty? i'm sold!

Sargent Family said...

ok, i linked it on my blog!

Sargent Family said...

...aaaand my facebook

Haiku Amy said...

I want to win! This is entry #1.

Haiku Amy said...

I posted a button. Entry #2

Kerry said...

I hope that Shelf Reliance gets lots and lots of inquiries from your blog posting. I know I am going to post their information on my blogs.

Becky said...

um...do i get a pity vote for writing to you from the hospital where i have been with my son for 26 days? ;) i LOVE food storage, and i would LOVE some more!!!

Kerry said...

Just posted a link to the contest on your blog on also to the Shelf Reliance website. this is #2, oh I hope I win.. I really need a jumpstart after conference today.

tarable said...

Feeding your family is always good, right? What better way than to use free food!

Ahna said...

Wishing and hoping, oh Random Number Generator Thingie.

Kerry said...

Button Added, great photo btw, I think I may make some buttons for my family blog using old family photos.

Kerry said...

Just tweeted about your contest (for the sole purpose of entry #4) we have twitter buttons on the family blog site main page.

I don't have a facebook page but I just might consider getting one for another entry.. okay, that is going a little too far.

Great Contest btw, I hope your blog grows in fame and beloved-ness.

and also.. WAAAAY cute kiddos.

Becky J. said...

I want this. I neeeeeeed this! :)

Becky Jensen

Erika said...

I'd like a little jump start on my food storage. :)

Erin said...

My first entry:)

Jennifer said...

I'd like to enter. Jennifer Vos

Jennifer said...

K. I put it on my facebook. Enter me again. Jennifer Vos

Jennifer said...

I twittered it. Enter me again.

Carina said...

I need to start being serious about my food storage (beyond a bunch of cans that no longer have labels and an 8 year old box of potato pearls.)

girlsmama said...

I would love this!

Garett and Rachel said...

I'm a friend of Annell, enter me!

Haiku Amy said...

I blogged and linked. Entry #3

Principal Sal said...

This would be so nice to win! Thanks for all the info on the program.

cchrissyy said...

Count two for me! one here and I'll tweet you for another! I'm @tendercargo

Haiku Amy said...

I tweeted it. Entry #4

Haiku Amy said...

I posted on Facebook. Entry #5

Haiku Amy said...

I e-mailed my friends. Entry #6

Nookleerman said...

I would like to win. Please pick me.

Pearl Girl said...

WOW I read about your giveaway on Mormon MOmmy Wars, I would LOVE to enter the give away

QueenScarlett said...

This is fantastic.

Pearl Girl said...

I am proudly displaying your button on my blog.

Pearl Girl said...

I like totally blogged about you!! You are so lucky cause I am way popular and stuff.

Lilly said...

Pick me! I have no food storage at all!

QueenScarlett said...

I have twitter'd the giveaway.

QueenScarlett said...

And... it's on my FB too. CHEERS!

Heidi said...

I'm just starting to really organize my food storage plans. What a great start this would be!

The Jensens said...

This giveaway is awesome!!!

Kris said...

I got sent over from Pearl Girl. This giveaway is great!

terrah said...

Great idea! Thanks!

mj said...

Sounds like a great way to begin our food storage!

LunaMoonbeam said...

What a great idea!!

Rhonda said...

way cool system. Enter me once baby!

Kestrel said...

Ok here's my second entry, I posted a blog about it at http://krisology.livejournal.com/491344.html

Michelle Cox said...

Thank you for this giveaway! We have been working on our food storage diligently for a few months ... still have a long way to go, but it feels good to be more prepared!


Nicole Marsh said...

I am just starting my food storage so I would love to win this!

Ang said...

I'm all about the potato chunks. Pick me!!

Katie said...

Seriously thinking about this whole Thrive Q thing, so you should pick me. :)

Miss Sarah in Georgia said...

I'm going to go check out ThriveQ right now! And tell my mom!

Dominoe said...

Pick Me!

amelia said...

PICK ME! I desperately need food storage.

Brittmae said...

Please pick me! Poor married law student + short attention span = no realistic food storage.

Thank you!

Janet said...

If the giveaway is still open, pick me!


Anonymous said...

Just found this great place!! Great

Randi said...

Hey, I'd like to enter, too!!

Anonymous said...

Ooh, this sounds great! Thanks!

Nicole said...

I would love this giveaway!! This is so great!

Tiffany Wacaser said...

I would love to win this. We moved from Sweden a year ago and have really had a hard time rebuilding our food storage.

Andrea said...

pick me!

Kami said...

That's really cool! I'm going to go check out the site now.

Heather said...

Great Idea! Thanks!

Melissa said...

Yeah I want to win!!!!

Melissa said...

I took a button!

Sunshine said...

Okay, here it goes!! hope I win...

Sunshine said...

sweet, #2!!!

Sunshine said...

one more for mee....

Sunshine said...

and # 4 for adding this on my facebook page!

Melzie said...

way cool!!!!! Off to put on my twitter, blog, FB, and tell my fam! :) WOW!! Serious, so awesome!

Melzie said...

Just blogged it at Vox!! (#2)

Melzie said...

Emailed 13 family members! (#3)

flip flop mama said...

I would love to win!

Rachel said...

Hmm. Not high tech enough to use Twitter & all that jazz, but I like food storage. So pick me!

Connie said...

My storage room needs some cute cans on the shelves. Hope I win.

Kristi said...

This would be an amazing thing to win!

Samantha said...

pick me pick me! Please?

Lara said...

Cross my fingers! Hope i win!!

Lara said...

Posted it on the FB!!

Lara said...

just posted it on my BLOG!!


I'd love to win...of course.

Lara said...

Just added the button!!

Carolyn F said...

Can't wait to go check this out!

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