
Deep Thoughts..... by Zoe Lu

Today I will begin sharing random postings of Zoe's Deep Thoughts.
What I mean by that is, she says them randomly, so I'll have to post them randomly.
I think I will start with an oldie but goodie.

Our first installment-

"Being mean is not nice."
Zoe Lu

See? deeeeeeeeeeeep!


~Sherena said...

Zoe is so cute. I have always pictured John Ellis and Naomi together but Zoe is only a couple of years younger. Although, we do have that way too cute picture of John Ellis and Naomi holding hands at the temple all dressed in white when they were what ~ 5 ? The possibilities of a way too cute picture in the future is impossible to ignore! (this surely is way more important then how they feel ~ right?)

dar said...

I love that random thought!

I love when they are missing both of their top teeth at the same time. Kaleb had his first tooth half grown in before he lost the other

I am LoW said...

Sherena- haha!! I think either would be great but I am kind of counting on a JE/Naomi ticket. :-)

Dar- Let me tell you, this is the loooongest any of my kids had the two missing at the same time and for so long. I started wondering if she was going to be singing "All I want for Christmas..." but at last, one is coming in.

Anonymous said...

If being mean is not nice, is being nice not mean?

Too deep for me.