
Deep Thoughts.... By Zoe Lu and Boy Howdy- People Like Them Some Controversy!

Deep Thoughts by Zoe Lu
"When life gives you a bruise on your knee....

Turn it into a smiley face."


Well, life gave me a bruise on my ego. And this is the face on my bruised ego-

First my ego received a blow when I learned that my blog readers wouldn't side with ME on this whole Sonic commercial issue.

Then my ego received a sucker punch when I realized that if the word "controversy" was in the title I would get lots more visitors to my blog and I've been shying from controversy. I had it wrong all along.

Then my ego got a jab when anonymous 1 was worried about scars on the relationship and not the scars AniC was putting on my heart.

And lastly, my ego got a ego-slam (worse than a body slam) when my internet friend Sue M. sided with my sister even though she and I are both the middle child in the family (her- literally, me- because I worked for the title) and we both have a child with type 1 diabetes. I thought she had my back. Instead, she turned hers on me.


If any of you are touched by this post and worried about me and my ego (and you should be), please vote. It's free and it's anonymous (and people like to be anonymous).It's the American thing to do. Plus we need to break the tie so I'll know what to do. Because without votes, who will decide? And HOW will it be decided- do I have boyfriend-stealing Dar be judge or do I post the movie?

I need to know!

I must know!


The Crash Test Dummy said...

Okay, I voted!!!!!!! Now please return the favor and vote for me on shelle's blokthoughts. I want that quilt so bad.

But I know you've already voted so . . .

I love your cute daughter's deep thought. I wish I could show that picture on my deep thought by crash dummy. What a cute profound girl. Okay, I'm going to search for my tags now.

I am LoW said...

You can use a Zoe deep thoughts picture if you need to. :)

Anonymous said...

Sorry LoW... I just call 'em like I see 'em :)

Plus, did you notice that your sister actually told me that she agrees with me... How often do *I* get to hear that LoW? How often do *you* agree with *me* on the OT List? Not very often... So there! LOL!

I am LoW said...

Yeah yeah yeah. :)

Mel said...

Are you two still at war? AniC has a spokesman now? Oh goodness....

I am LoW said...

Yes we are, still very much at war. And did you see Sue took her side????

I think she's attracted to AniC's afro. She just hasn't seen mine yet as I've been straightening it. Yeah, I'm pretty sure if she see's MY impressive afro I'll get Sue back. :)