

Rest in peace home computer.
Howdy public library computer.
Good-bye pictures on my blog....
Hello to having to rely more on my writing..... (I'd rather not)
While strangers surround me, snorting and sniffling from colds, smacking on their chewing gum, not whispering like the good ole' days in the library and breathing in a very distracting way.....
But that's okay, I have a feeling that my sobbing is a distracting them.
I hope (and is it wrong to pray?) that I get a computer STAT because I have some Halloween ideas and pictures to share!!


Sister Black said...

what happend to your computer?! it just died? bummer!!!

Mel said...

So that is what happened to you. Drats. Double drats. NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! Wah! You must get another computer. I don't think I can take it. So, how's your mouth, son, and sister?

HaYn Mama said...

Stink and I just got back into reading your blog. I'll be praying along with you that you can get a new computer soon! It's for the benefit of your posterity, RIGHT!

Carrie Maseda said...

Oh girl! I feel your pain! I am willing to let you come over and use my computer until you are rescued from your computer loss; the world needs to see those pictures!

Cindy Howard said...

uck, feel bad for you. I remember those days. Hope you get a new one soon.

I am LoW said...

Thanks guys! I have only 5 minutes remaining on my time here at the library computer. Wah!Oh, now 4...

Carrie- I may be calling you!

Ma- Yep

Mel- I'll email... if I have time

Cindy- thanks..

Kanoe- I'm still gonna try... we'll see how this works until...

Three more minutes... oy

Mel said...

time's up - eh.

Have a great Tuesday!