
"I call eating Santa!"

..Last night was Family Night. First let me say that it's been a real downer having kids get older and busier and unable to attend everything they used to. We've been waiting to do our annual Gingerbread House for a night everyone was home, the closest be could get was all but 2 home. Secondly I'd like to say that it was a much busier Family Night than usual.

.First of all the big kids wanted to hit the gym all together but the little kids didn't because that means they have to play in the child care room and "that's not really FAMILY time", said Naomi. So they were bribed with cookies.

.After the gym we went shopping for a little boy who needed Christmas help. Naomi took this to heart and wanted to put some of her own money into it.

.When we got home it was decided that Naomi would wrap-

Zoe would make the cookies-


And Rae and Nolan would construct the Gingerbread House. When all were done with their jobs, we'd come together and decorate.

Nolan worked hard to not look like he was having fun.
Before we decorated the Gingerbread House Zoe yelled, "I call eating Santa!"
Wait 'til you see what she thinks of eating Santa. :)

And sorry about the rest.
We don't usually talk with our mouthes full.
Or do we and I haven't noticed until I recorded us????
Wanna see last years gingerbread house Family Night? Click HERE.
Wanna know the latest Lunchbox success from my kitchen? Click HERE.

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