
Just Sayin'

As a Fall lover, I am beyond excited for Fall food and I've finally said, "The heck with it, I am eating fall food and I don't care if it's still in the 90's!"
And I've pretty much done so except for the enjoyment of baking with pumpkin because of the pumpkin shortage my sister just made me aware of. (people paying $30 a can on eBay?.... I can't judge, it's tempting...)
In the mean time I found this delicious fall..... (well, treat may be pushing it) morning meal.
It is quite Autumny. It is different from the Cinnamon Harvest and the ingredients only say 'natural flavor'. I think it's pumpkin spice they've added though.



1 comment:

All8 said...

The weather is looking promising for pumpkins. http://climateillinois.wordpress.com/2010/09/17/better-weather-for-pumpkins-in-illinois/ Enjoy your Kashi. Hm, I wonder if you could incorporate it into a cracker like crust of sorts?