
Self Portrait

The little story (if you will) that I intended to tell today needs to be postponed to another day.
My apologies.
But if I don't post these egg pictures now, it will really be too late.

Rae made a married couple.

And guess whose self portrait this is.

All Easter weekend I was fussed at.... by my kids for how I say egg. I reckon I kinda say it with an A sound instead of a short e.
Bless my sweet husbands heart, he heard the kids giving me a hard time and he said, "Honey, you can say egg however you want."
I said, "Thanks, but you really need to stop saying orange wrong." :)
(He pronounces orange- arnge)


See Mom Smile said...

Love the married eggs and the eggs with glasses. Love your accent. I served a mission in Oklahoma. I loved learning a new language!

dar said...

nice looking eggs, kinda makes it hard to crack them up and eat 'em though... well, maybe not the one with glasses lol

The Crash Test Dummy said...

Hee hee. That egg is a self portrait of one of your kids, aint' it?