I've been the biggest fan of Survivor since the beginning of time. Since before the very first episode of the very first season aired. I was a fan the moment I saw the first commercial for it. I don't think I have missed an episode of any season. I love it.
I was thrilled when this years season started on my birthday.
See, me and Survivor were meant to be.
And Villains versus Heroes?
Hello! Are you kidding me?!?!
I am all over that!
Going into the season already knowing the people let's one skip past the "I don't know if I'll like this season" stuff. (I always know I will like a season, but I always hear others say that)
Did you watch last night?

James, the grave digger, the funny light hearted one, what are you doing???
Does this 'social experiment' mean that if you stick a bunch of heroes together, someone has to become a villain?
And you too Rupert!

(who by the way, is supposedly America's favorite contestant ever, but not mine, just so you know)
.I can say though that I love the music this season. Which isn't something I normally notice. But the hero music cracks. me. up!
In other news, this is the last picture I took of what was once Naomi and Zoe's Snow Girl.

And today I am organizing the game (slash movie slash puzzle) closet.

Do you have one of these?
If so, what's the trick to keeping it organized?
Less games?
Meaner mom?
It's always a mess and cleaning it is sooooo overwhelming!
I need to find out more about the music. I didn't watch.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY. Don't tell me it was Yesterday. I will feel so bad since we were texting and all. That really wore me out, btw. I had to go take a nap afterwards.
I really HATE texting, but I did it for you. That's true LUB.
haha!! A nap. You crack me up! :)
It was on the 11th. No worries. Besides, I celebrate all month and I forget everyone elses birthday so no pressure from me.
The music is funny. The hero music sounds just like that, hero music. Think of what you hear when Superman is on his way to save the day. It's like that.
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