Sunday was my daughter's 16th birthday, and for her birthday she surprised me!
She never told me she was working on her
Personal Progress. She was doing it in secret.
That is eight 10 hour projects (among lotsa other things) behind her momma's back. All because she wanted to surprise me.
Here is her first journal entry-
Did you catch that? Her first words in her journal are "haha". Bless her heart.
And this is her journal, to explain why she wrote- I know this diary is super lame but it was my only option.
This is what she said next.
What's so cute about this is that she may love being sneaky, but she stinks at it. I was so on to her. She's the worst liar in the world!
She really thought she was pulling it off though, here is another journal entry a few months after she began.
And then there is this.

Now, truth be told, her dad was oblivious to her sceams. And her schemes. But..... well... bless his heart too.
So I wasn't completely surprised in a SURPRISE! sort of way but yet I still was because I was suspicious but not 100% sure of anything. You know what I mean? Even though I was 99.9% sure.
Sunday night Rae and I got to sit down and chat about it, she told me about who all was involved in helping her, what her 10 hour projects were, "Remember when I made dinner for you for 2 weeks and then suddenly stopped?"..... and she showed me her journal.
I love her journal. Her sharing that with me was the icing on the cake.
This one cracked me up-
Then she wrote-
AnAnd these two entries are the reality of Personal Progress (and life).......H

Ain't it? Ain't it?! Sometimes we do good, and sometimes we try and it's a big thumbs down. But the point is to never ever ever give up.
So here is the date she started this adventure.

.AAnd she completed it on February 21st. Her 16th birthday.
She was wanting to finish it sooner, by the end of 2009. Her cousin (who inspired her to do this) did it over the summer (before her 14th birthday!!) and so she wanted to do it in the same time frame. But I reminded her that she had a heavy load in school last semester and also passed off all 25 Scripture Mastery so she done good! It's all good!!
She closed her Personal Progress Disney Princess journal with her testimony. And I'll keep the sacred, sacred. But I'll share this-

Because I am so grateful for good leaders. Righteous leaders. It makes all the difference and I know it and so does Rae.
I am so pleased with my Rae of Sunshine.
She's most definitely living up to her name and I am so appreciative of it.
She's an example to me. When I grow up, I want to be like Rae.
See how well you're doing! Hope you're smiling brightly today. Congratulations.
that is so so very sweet! you got to be totally proud!
I just clicked over from Segullah-- what a fantastic surprise and an adorable girl! Way to go Rae! Way to go momma!
Lorinda- I AM!! Still! Ever since Sunday! :-D
Dar- I am. Just as I know you are for Kolton going on his mission. Ah, if parenting were always that super awesome..... :-)
Michelle- Thank SOOO much! :-D
Mrs. Wright, you've raised a love-ly daughter..." (sung to the Beatles, Mrs. Brown you've got a lovely daugheter")
Good job...to Rae and to you!
I'm very proud! Because I didn't get mine when I was her age (whatever it was called then), I had to work on it and get it as an old lady in Stake YW and I always LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it when they girls get their PP medallion. She's a beautiful young lady and I congratulate her!
I'm very proud! Because I didn't get mine when I was her age (whatever it was called then), I had to work on it and get it as an old lady in Stake YW and I always LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it when they girls get their PP medallion. She's a beautiful young lady and I congratulate her!
OMGOSH! NO WAY! How did I miss this? That is soooo awesome. You are the luckiest mom in the world. You didn't have to push or prod or help? ha ha did you push or prod? How did you get those secret sneaky photos of her journal? She okay'd that? Wow! That is so sneaky. How did you KNOW? Let me guess, you were reading her Disney Diary all along. HA
I kept thinking she was writing 101, but it was LOL. HA hahahaha
Congrats to your Rae of sunshine. I'm going to tell this story in YW tomorrow and hopefully plant some seeds. hee hee
I was confused ber her lol's too. It took me a while to figure them out. :)
No poking and prodding. Except when I faked it to act like a normal mom, so she wouldn't know that I knew. :) And she'd say in the worst acting voice, "I don't know mom, I don't like PP, I don't know if I want to do it."
And I KNEW because I saw a mighty change in her. It was AWESOME!!!
And she was inspired b/c her 13 year old cousin completed in over the summer. While on a swim team, taking organ, piano, and violin lessons, and serving as the organist in her ward (for the coir). So she'd hear me speak to different YW in our stake about her cousin, and me read the email in the talk where her cousins mom would talk about the mighty change in her daughter, and quoted her as saying, "it's like an alien came and did a switheroo." And hearing about her cousin (and friend) inspired her.
So her cousin did it in 3 months and she did it in 6 months. It's great to tell Laurel's that it's not too late, even if they've hardly done any yet. :-)
And I never knew about her journal until she was done and surprised me by being called up to get her medallion. That night we talked all about it and she showed me the journal (which I never would have found in THAT book) and she granted me permission to take pictures.
That's awesome wicked inspiring.
GO Rae!
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