But I can tell you that I got this little (Easter) dresser and a matching shelf at my local thrift store for 10 bucks.
This is the before picture, maybe one day soon I'll show you the after.

Also tomorrow will be our second Saturday Night Lunch. Two weeks of stickin' to it, that's good. (for me)
Zoe is home "sick" today. I am losing my patience with "sick" kids. Although I am happy they are not sick, "sick" is aggravating. But if she just asked me for a PTO (personal time off) I would have probably said yes. Although Nolan asked for a PTO this morning and I said no. But Nolan isn't the best at make up work, so.....
And lastly, have you seen my favicon? I've always wanted a favicon, so I am happy! I sure hope you've noticed.
Have a nice weekend, one and all!
Can't wait to see the dresser and shelves. Isn't it amazing the things that people do to furniture and all you can think is, why?! This blogger moved into a whole house like your dresser, except it's just worse. Oh, man. Here's a link, http://www.vanessachristenson.com/2010/01/my-bedroom.html
Oh my goodness, that was crazy. And niiiiiice, what she did with the place.
Yes, you don't see it??
yeah...like anitra said..."favicon"...what's that?
i thought maybe it's "fave icon" but i'm not seeing an "icon" fave or not so...yeah...what IS that?
I'm not seeing anything different.
A favicon is like the little b for blogger, that's by the http: up in where you put your address. And if you save addresses to favorites, it shows there too.
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