
A Winter Poem


Winter Poem

by Naomi W.


"It is cold outside" you begin to say.

You grab your coat and begin to play.

The tree's outside are bland and bare,

A tree with leaves is very rare.


It is winter outside and it is awesome!

There are no tree's or flowers that blossom.

There is one Holiday that I love the most,

You gather around the table with a roast.


It is not Thanksgiving but Christmas, best ever!

I think, myself, it is clever.

A man gives gifts named Santa Claus.

On the rooftop reindeer hits it with hard paws.


A bag with presents he puts under a tree,

When you wake up you yell, "Yippee!"

Christmas, Christmas, it is the best.

When you are done, it is time to rest.




Sister Black said...

AWESOME naomi! you are an EX-cellent poet (0:

The Kooky Queen--Rachel said...

What a smartie! Beautiful!