I admitted yesterday that I struggle with traditions because of my moodiness and boredom, but one tradition I'll never ever tire of is our Christmas Eve celebration.
I am not sure when it began...... but as far back as I can remember, Christmas Eve was a special night. My ma would make fudge, some with nuts and some without, and add a few other treats, and we would gather around the Christmas tree and sing songs and share talent.
(or stupid human tricks, depending....)
When I married and lived many states away, I missed home Christmas Eve most of all. So when I moved back, I asked if I could host the Christmas Eve celebration at my house please, please, pleeeease!!!
And ma said okay.
Wanna read about last years Christmas Eve? (Sure you do!) Click here.
Wanna blast from further in the past than last year?
Here's my ma and pa.

Aren't they precious??
That might be the earliest evidence of our talent.
So, really what is on my mind mostly, as of late, is what will my talent ("talent") be this year?
.Any ideas?
And please don't suggest anything involving Dolly Parton, that's been done already.

i think we started doing this in california? i think. it's always been a hoot! i think one of my most memorable (other than doing "edith ann" and her sibling that you posted the picture) was when you and gary sang "you are my sunshine" in harmony. maybe you could do that (o: ?
you forgot to mention the fact that you begged to host the Christmas eve party because you wouldn't be willing to go to someone elses house to do it.
Ma- We already did that. Like Elayna and Tamara's Dolly Parton. It's been done.
Ani- I don't think I begged. (mom gives party hosting out freely) I also don't remember saying I'd be unwilling to go somewhere else, but I would be unwilling.
and i quote "I asked if I could host the Christmas Eve celebration at my house please, please, pleeeease!!!" that says you are begging.
i remember well us having a conversation where you said you wouldn't come to a Christmas eve party if it was held somewhere else that would take you a long time to get to and from. because of it being Christmas eve and the things you'd need to be home to do.
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