
Breakfast of Champions

It's a little fuzzy, because it was so early in the morning, but I think my girls asked for Root beer Floats for breakfast and I don't remember putting up a fight.
But that's just between us, okay?


dar said...

I could totally do that for breakfast, but cold pizza... no way

I am LoW said...

Did you know that Americans are pretty much the only ones with "breakfast foods"? Other countries eat regular stuff and don't have any specific for mornings.

Maybe I should start doing that. :)

Mamafamilias said...

And root beer floats for breakfast are wrong because??????????

Mamafamilias said...

And, yes, by all means, you come with me anytime you want to! I still say you need to come by here the next time you're on your way to see AniC. And bring your mama.

Sister Black said...

i could really dig a root beer float...breakfast or any other time!

The Crash Test Dummy said...

hee hee hee You go, girlz! My kinda girlz!

I am LoW said...

I am so glad you all are on board with the root beer floats! :-D