I could have a whole blog about Zoe.
Don't blame me. I can't help that she gives me so much material.
Zoe loves her daddy and loves his garage full of tools and scraps of wood.
He loves that she loves him and his garage full of tools and scraps of wood.
Anything she asks for, she gets. So when she asks if she can work on a project, she gets it.
.Yesterday I was looking back on old videos and I stumbled on this, from some time last spring.

This video- * *the look on her face* *- I could (and did) watch over and over and over and over and over.
Do you see what I mean?
Do you see what I mean?
She does give me lots to blog about.
Speaking of Zoe's daddy with cool tools and lotsa scrap wood for her to play with- it's his birthday today!
Happy Birthday my honey man!!
(that's what I use to call him, back in the day. I think I'll bring it back)
happy birthday gare...hope it's a good one!
zoe...i need a low bookshelf. think you can handle that?
Play the video again and you might get her answer. HAHA
well...that won't work for me. i need it by sunday ( :
happy b-day gary-air
haha, remember when we used to call him that?
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