
I am Not in the Office at the Moment


Personal Time Off.

That's what Zoe is taking today.

Maybe it was her HUGE preformance last night that exhausted her (more on that later). Maybe it was her teacher who blamed her for not listening when she got two problems wrong on her math paper, instead of seeing that as a sign that she doesn't yet understand what's been taught (that's what that use to mean). Maybe it's because she got perfect attendance the first quarter and it's just time.

Either way, today Zoe is taking a P.T.O. and I kinda like it... it's like the good old days when all the kids were in school except her and we got to hang out. Zoe is great fun to hang out with.

And now I need to run because a lunch out is in order.


Mel said...

Have fun! I can't wait to hear about the performance.

The Crash Test Dummy said...

I love P.T.O. days! I think I'll take one too.

Have fun!

Sister Black said...

she prolly got that idea from her auntie anitra...she was the queen of PTO days. maybe she still is (o:

Anonymous said...

By P.T.O do you mean skipped school? Where's the truant officer?

Don't worry. Your secret is safe with all those of us on the internet.

(I let my kids take P.T.O's sometimes, too.)

I am LoW said...

We had fun until the school nurse called about another child who was for real sick. :(

Tricia- Would it be considered skipping if the parents are involved? Another deep thought... haha

Mel- I can't wait to share about the preformance. :)

Ma!- Anitra, Anitra, Anitra...

aniC said...

me! me! me!

Carrie Maseda said...

I'm glad you and Zoe had that time together, even if it was just for a little while.