

I usually can't help myself and add a few things (or more) to my Christmas decor this time of year. But this year there seems to be much less options. I would have been more careful anyways, but I only got the one....

This beautiful ornament for my Kitchen Tree. Don't you love it?!
This is also the time of year, since I've been a blog reader, that I stumble upon blog posts about WHY a reader doesn't let her children believe in Santa. That's a sad thought for this Santa believer. I love this must read on the topic.
And if I may close my scattered thoughts by sharing with you all how very sad I am this year for having kids who get bigger and bigger and less and less fun to shop for.... Gone are the days when a Santa coloring book is perfect for a stocking stuffer. When Toys R Us is the place to shop. Although I did find a letter under the tree addressed to Santa and his wife, so the magic isn't completely gone. It's just.... fading and quickly, I reckon. And that is sad.


All8 said...

Very cute. Do you do trees in all rooms?

I am LoW said...

This year I have a tree in the family room, kitchen, and dining room. The dining room is at the front of the house and has a bay window and I just HAD to have a tree so the outside world could see. We don't do outside lights (although I'd love it if my husband did) and I want all my Baptist neighbors to see that I celebrate CHristmas too because I DO know who Christ is. :)

(lots of misunderstandings there) :)

Sister Black said...

To me...Christmas just wasn't so much fun any more the year we skipped closing out Toys R Us at midnight...our last stop for shopping (and the best!) NO new decorations for me this year...I'm not even puttin up all I have }o: