
The Inside Scoop



This past weekend there was a meeting held in my dining room. I wasn't invited to the meeting but I overheard a little of it. And I was even asked my opinion once.

"Mom, isn't Tostada Armada a cool name for a band??" asked Nolan.

Sure is.


Apparently Nolan intends to be the lead singer.


I didn't know he could sing, I've never heard him sing. But from the notes they left behind, I think this is clearly him.

.I also didn't know that Rae could play this complicated instrument.

So between the little I overheard and the notes left behind, this is all I know. Tostada Armada, Nolan sings, Rae plays the triangle...
I'll do my best to snoop more when they meet again, and I'll be sure to update you all.


All8 said...

(giggle) Don'tcha just love finding these kind of things out about your kids?!

The Crash Test Dummy said...


This post made me LOL. hahahahahaha

You are so doggon cute! Why don't you have a million gazillion followers?

dar said...

I like how they draw pictures of their notes, amazing at their age

I am LoW said...

Dar- they are getting so big, aren't they? :)

Lorinda- yes. And I love coming in afterward and gathering evidence. :)

Crash- :-D