
Creating a Monster


I love summer with all my heart mostly because I have my children with me. When school starts I am always tempted to not let them go. I love them being with me that much.
The down side is the not getting peace and quiet, as all mothers know. Usually that's a-okay, but sometimes one needs peace and quiet. Like me, the past few days.
I've been trying to prepare a talk that I am giving in church Sunday and I just couldn't focus. I tried to steel moments when the house was more settled, but it just wasn't happening. So I asked my husband if he wanted to take the girls to Gramma's house overnight and he did.
At last, I could focus.
It didn't happen quite like I expected though. I'd been studying and praying and pondering for a few weeks and I thought that all I had left to do was to put it in an organized manner into notes. The house was quiet but it wasn't falling into place now that there was peace and quiet, like I expected.
And that was when my husband let Naomi play with his phone and when she learned to text. Me. And a lot.
Oh, it was sweet. But it was also very distracting. Last night I expected to have the talk complete, at 11 I had to end my texting session with Naomi because I was nodding off.
This morning I got up and at it and not long later I got a text from Naomi that read-
Mom mom mom mom mother mum mummy muter mom mom mo are you at the gym or something?????
And then Naomi taught Zoe to text.
But somehow, a bazillion texts later, I was putting the finishing touches on my talk right as Gary pulled into the driveway with my brand new texters.
I sure appreciated him giving me the time alone, in the peace and quiet.


dar said...

too funny

Sister Black said...

I think I'm glad there were no cel phones, texting, etc. when you guys were young!