
Bad Words

I am afraid I am going to lose my "rated E for Everyone" status. And I like being rated G very much.

Yesterday I shared a video that showed that my kids say shut-up to each other. (against my wishes, of course!)

Today you'll hear another bad word.

And can you believe- Nolan granted permission for me to share this? (but only this part of his lesson) Hmmmm.... I wonder why.


.Oh sure, H E Double Hockey Sticks is a place and depending on how it's used, not a bad word buuuuuuuuuuut this is a first- my kids saying it in front of me. And I think they enjoyed it.

.What do I need to do to regain my rated G image??


How about this picture of my wittle Zoe and her 3rd grade teacher, right before doing The Peppermint Twist this morning?




I'll share more of it later. It's always a fun one!

1 comment:

Sister Black said...

Zoe! What a good twister you are! I used to do the twist and you are GOOD! And I love your costume too.
Nomi, I couldn't see you as well, but it looked like you did a good job of weaving the ribbon on that pole. AWESOME!