
I Done Went and Did It

For a couple of years, literally, it's been that long, I've been wanting to do something different with my hair but I didn't know what. So until I knew for sure what change I wanted, I was going to keep things status quo, which meant dark brown and growing.
As Gary would say- lacking in a hair do.
Last week I finally had that moment when I decided. I contacted my hair guru and friend and asked what she thought and she thought it would be lovely. I made an appointment with her a few days out but then I started having serious doubts.
You see, I am a spur-of-the-moment-girl. A fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants-girl. Now-or-never girl.
I mean, give me something to chew on and I'm in trouble. The simpler it is, the worse the over-thinking gets.
And this time the thought was- I'm 40 now.
What worked at 25 ain't gonna' work now. I mean, I need to look my age. I don't want to look older (for heaven's sake) but will it look like I am just trying desperately and pathetically to look younger than I am? It could backfire and be rather pathetic and gross, you know what I mean? The hair style truly needed to be fitting and appropriate.
Excuse me?.......What?
Be quiet already and show the picture of my hair?
Okay, I will. but you see, that's another thing, because I am 40 and not 16, I haven't mastered the art of taking a picture of myself.
Rae walked in from school and caught me trying and said, "Ugh, mom, only teenagers can do that!"
No kidding, this is hard stuff. How do they do it?

I asked her if she'd take a picture of me for me.
"Uh, no.... I need a snack....duh...."
So last night after we got home from a meeting I said, "How about now Rae? Can you take a picture of my new hair cut now?"
"Uh.... noooo, I didn't get dinner, I'm making a bowl of cereal.... duuh!"
So I was left on my own to attempt a self portrait again-

How do they do it?!?!
And what do you think?
Is it appropriate for my age? Is the color a little too punk rock?
Do I need a little sun? :)

p.s. I over exaggerated Rae's teenagerness.
I don't believe she said duh, not once.


All8 said...

I thought that the first picture was Rae. I often go through the same quandary, "Do I look like I'm trying too hard?" What is "age appropriate" hair supposed to look like? Are women 40 and over only allowed short hair? Argh! The angst!

Your hair looks good. It seems really thick. Does Gary like it? But most importantly, do You like it?

Sister Black said...

It would look purdier if you smiled ( :
I like it...do you like it?
What could your hair guru do for me?!

I am LoW said...

Lorinda- I am so glad you know what I mean. :) It looks thicker now that it's shorter. I like it, Gary loves it. :)

Ma- Ya think? Cause the ones with me smiling didn't look purdy to me at all. And hair guru's only work if you GO TO THEM. :)

~Sherena said...

I love it!! I need to see more angles. Get Rae to take one straight on, or Gary.

Heaths said...

agreed! more pictures! i really like it! and i love the bangs. i've been wanting to do bangs for a while but i'm afraid i will look ridiculous.

i'm getting bored of my hair again and i need a change. and i kind of want to take your picture in and say, "do that." :) it's really cute!

I am LoW said...

Sherena- Did you read the part where Rae wouldn't take my picture? Psht. But really, I think I am done getting my picture done for a while.

Heather- YOU HAVE A BLOG!!! YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!! By the way, I am scared of bangs too, they itch me. (haha) But this is what I've done for the past 15 years. Get bangs, never get them trimmed and grow them back out. Get bangs, never get them trimmed and grow them out. Over and over. :)

dar said...

heyyyy... you look younger then 40 now

aniC said...

Your hair style is so inappropriate. Looks like what a 39 year old would do.

I am LoW said...


The Crash Test Dummy said...

OMGOSH, I lub it. I thought it was Rae too. How crazy. You go, girl.

It's hard to change looks though, isn't it? It takes me two good weeks to get into the new groove.

The Crash Test Dummy said...

P.S. You're right. It is HARD to take pictures of yourself in the mirror. Teenagers are so weird. haha