
The Day I Received Both the Best Mom Award & Worst Mom Award

That was the day that I was at home throwing my daughter a surprise birthday party.
Best Mom, right?
But here's where the Worst Mom comes in.... my son was suffering from appendicitis all the while. (the word suffering may be too mild of a word)

Sure, his dad was with him. But I was not.
It was just too late to cancel the party, I didn't even have the guest list, if there ever was an actual list, Rae's friends took care of that part. But I would have cancelled the party, if I felt I had to. Or I could have had went with Wes and had Gary stay and throw the party, if he only knew how to decorate a food table. He said he would have though, if I just gave him the word.
The guilt though......oh, the guilt!
The next morning, before going to visit Wes, I showed Gary the pictures and video from the party and he said, "Oh, I didn't realize the party was that big and that involved. There was no way you could have cancelled." (not that he ever suggested I should) And I felt like I had his approval (which is usually all that ever matters to me) of my decision and it lifted some (if only a teeny tiny bit) of guilt.
Meanwhile, it's Tuesday now and he's still in the hospital. He's just not recovering like he should be. His organs, after the (old fashioned 6 inch incision) surgery, are just not kicking back in and doing their thing.
If you are one that prays, can you throw some of that our way? If you don't mind.... Cause now it's not so much guilt that I suffer from, but worry.


Anjeny said...

Aw LoW..so sorry about your son. He's definitely in prayers and I will be praying for a speed recovery.

You shouldn't feel guilty, you are a super duper great mom. In this kind of situation, having two parents together is the best advantage for a kid..I'm sure your son understands completely.

I totally enjoyed your surprise bday party for your daughter.

dar said...

remember, he is a big boy... if he was off at school or the many other places a big guy could be, you still might not have been able to be with him then either.
if he were still a little fella, I'm sure it would have been a whole different story

All8 said...

I sure hope that everything goes well. Poor Wes. Diabetes makes everything take longer to get better. Hang in there. Prayers headed your way.

("Dear Father, please help Lorinda, no, not me, the other Lorinda out there, and her family." lol)

(((HUGS))) from the other Lorinda

I am LoW said...

Anjeny- Thanks so much! For all you said. And yes, thank goodness for the other person in the parenting! :)

Dar- But one is always a mom, and mom always wants to be there for their kids. No matter how old.

Lorinda- HAHA!! You so funny! :-) Thank you, thank you, thank you!

dar said...

oh, I know you always want to be there... just saying to help you not feel so quilty

The Crash Test Dummy said...

Oh, I'm so sorry! I'm getting on my hands and knees right now. And for the record, that's why there are two parents. One to celebrate and one to comfort.

And now it's Zoe's b-day and you're still helping Wes recover. awww, you need a hug!
