

Do you ever feel like life is like playing with a toy Jack-in-the-Box? At least, at moments it is?
And because you'll jump when Jack pops out, even though you know he's about to pop out, so you can't help but turn the handle slllllowwwwwwllllly....
Thus making the music crrrrreeeeeepyyyyyyy....
Which only make the playing with Jack-in-the-Box all the more frightening.
Creepy music, anticipation, life.....
So, does it? Does life ever feel like that to you?
Cause it does me.


Anonymous said...

Im terrified of the handle, I don't dare even touch it. My Jack in the box is possessed.

Sister Black said...

yeah...i never really liked those things either. i'm not sure...did we ever even have one when you kids were growing up?

I am LoW said...

Yes we did Ma.

I know, Cindy, right?

aniC said...

Not really.

I am LoW said...

Count yourself blessed then.