In no particular order
Zoe getting caught color coordinating her dolls clothes.
My mom's mom sending us ornaments every year and now my mom doing the same for my children.
(hint: 1 afternoon snack)
How these jumbled lights are much like.... much like.... something.
These delicious Spiced Pecans and the recipe.
Zoe sitting down to do homework, using the desk that I used to not do homework but to do more important things. Write love letters.
The letter I wrote to my future children when I was 16 years old.
The teen aged girls at my church learning to french braid before camp. And my coming to the conclusion that I really didn't need to have my hair french braided at camp.
Possibly my all time favorite art piece from my Zoe. Love the water at the bottom.
My attempts at self portraits and the confusion as to how kids do this these days and make it look good.
The day Zoe needed to take 100 or so pictures of Boo, the cat, because she was laying on a crayon.
This beautiful piece of art that I bought for $1 because some momma didn't realize what her high schoolers art was worth.
Zoe insisting on me taking a picture of her latest creation.
Catching my Sleeping Beauty resting in my room.
This rash.

I'M SORRY!! I hate when people post gross pictures, it's just so... gross!
should we be glad you didn't blog about any of those things? ( no particular order)
I dislike all my self-portaits. I agree, how do teenagers do it?
Ma- I don't know... Probably?? You might have to be the judge on that too.
Cindy- Let me know if you ever figure that out. :)
I just stumbled across your blog tonight and laughed my face off. I love how on your sidebar all of your children are your favorite. All of my kids are favorites but I never thought to refer to them as such. Brilliant. Loved this post.
OMGOSH, where do I start?
LUB that Nolan gave you a Pokemon card for Christmas. What a cutie pie. LUB the full moon pic and the Naomi basketball pic. WOW!
Read us the letter to your children, PLEASE, PLEASE, pretty please!
HAHAHA at your self portrait.
What a good idea to post about the things you didn't post about. I need to do that too.
Megs- Thank you SO much!! My dad always referred to all (11) of us as his favorite and let me tell you, it works!! :-)
Crash- NO WAY!! I couldn't even let those it was addressed to read it!! Ohme, ohmy! I had a BAD attitude!! haha
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