
Pan the Cares

Gary walked into the kitchen and asked me what I was doing.
I said, "I'm gonna pan the cares."
I meant to say "can the pears" but that's not how it came out.


These (vanilla flavor added) pears came from my husband's late grandmother's pear tree.
What an extra special harvest, don'tcha think?


Sister Black said...

your cares look very tasty...and very well panned.

The Kooky Queen--Rachel said...

Haha, love it! And vanilla pears!?!? WOW!!

I am LoW said...

Thanks ma! :)

Rachel- SO easy, just added vanilla. :)

April said...

OHHHHH....that looks so much better than the chicken I am bottling right now. I took a day off work to get it done (and catch up on my blog following too). :)

I am LoW said...

Canned chicken, eh??? I haven't been that brave yet! I've seen it, and it does looks gross, but I am sure it's a great thing to have in storage. :)