Once upon a time, LoW's family (her very first family) attended a Scout-A-Rama.
LoW was very young, she might have been 6 or 7.
LoW's older sister, who later would grow up to be a boyfriend stealer, might have been 11 or 12.
(my family will surely correct me if I am wrong, in my comment box)
LoW doesn't remember much at all about the event except this one little thing that LoW's oldest sister does not remember.
LoW was walking along with her mother and other siblings, looking at different Scout-A-Rama stuff, when Darla came up to the family saying-
"Ma- look what I did!"
Lo and behold, Darla had herself of whole paper of painted shapes. It was a lovely piece of work.
But upon closer inspection, it appeared Darla had something in her other hand.
She had half a potato in her hand.... with a shape and paint....

Because after all, her fancy art came from a potato. A POTATO!
(who knew?!?)


Darla said, "Oh." Then left to return it.
And LoW said-

Because this was the very first experience of embarrassment LoW ever had. And LoW wasn't even embarrassed for herself, she was embarrassed for her sister, who as it turned out, wasn't even embarrassed at all.
From a potato to a huge wad of gum....
So, what's your very first embarrassing memory?
Do tell!
i don't think it was my "first" but certainly one of my "most" (in my youth.) i walked to the front of the class to talk to my teacher (mr. reid) and i called him "dad" and EVERYONE heard me!
(sidebar--in the photo, darla and i are in steven's creek park and if you climbed that hill behind us on a path (that's mostly washed out)...that's where dad kissed me the first time on june 14, 1963 and THAT'S why you're all here today (0: )
mom...woooaaaah. TMI!!!!
sorry, i just wasn't prepared for "the talk" when i came to your blog comments.
Embarassing Moment-
Once, my ma came to my blog and posted about why me and my siblings are here today.
Can you believe?!?!?!
no seriously...talk about embarassing moments! mom giving "the talk" on your blog for everyone to see. THAT's the most embarassing.
sorry, i can't even think straight now to tell you what my first embarassing moment is. maybe some other time.
wait...someone should warn your readers on your front page that this blog has adult content.
ok, i've been thinking about it.
maybe you should just delete this post so no one else has to see mom's talk.
I might have to.... I mean, my blog is suppose to be rated G! :-O
hahaha you guys,,,very funny!
hmmmm.....that is a good question! I will have to think about it! But my sister and joke that if someone is accused of doing something that we will look guilty! lol!
Y'all so crazy.
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