
I am Disappointed in You

Three of you voted in the poll (over on your right) that I should respect my sons wishes.
Just so you know, he didn't respect my wishes when he-
*Weighed 9 pounds and 5 ounces at birth.
*AND measured only 19 inches. (do the math, that's short and fat!)
*Was born on Friday the 13th.
*Was way past his due date.
*Who didn't want to come while my mother in law was in town (she even came after the due date) and could watch Wesley (the then toddler).
*Had to be delivered by c-section.
*Was born funny and entertaining......
So tell me, really? For real? I should respect him when he's been so disrespectful to me?


The Crash Test Dummy said...

Oh my goodness! I am so on your side. HE should not have been born so short and FAT! That is the meanest thing ever! Especially on Friday the 13th.

How lucky is he, though! That's way coolio!

I was born on Friday the 13th too!

I am LoW said...

Crash- THANK YOU!!!

I never knew I was superstitious (sp?) until he was born on Friday the 13th. haha!! But I am over it and think it's a very lucky day now. :-D