A few days ago, with family in town, I caught my baby brother with kids gathered all around listening to his stories.
And by stories, maybe I mean "stories".
But seriously, he had a captive audience and their attention was undivided .
I don't gather a crowd like that... so I don't know how he does it.
My kids used to say that this Uncle was their favorite, but informed me the other day that it's a 3 way tie now. And wondered how I got so lucky to have such a cool family.
I also did a little taping of this magic that he does.... and it just so happened to be he was telling a story that involved ME when I pressed record. And let's just say that I got a little defensive about his side of the story.
By the way, my voice doesn't really sound like it does on video. You know how a camera adds 10 pounds? Recording a voice adds 10% annoying tone to the voice. And that's no tall tale.
And I am also not really that loud (I promise I am not)- just remember, my mouth was much closer to the camera than everyone else.
Aren't you appreciative that I stopped the video before he showed the scar on his armpit? But the kids sure got up close and personal to see it. Oy.
Oh and by the way, when I got home and thought about it......
I was on the phone when the accident occurred.
Oh that's classic. You are so right about a audio recorder adds 10% more annoyance to your voice. I always feel that way too. But ftr, your voice sound absolutely adorable.
Are you back from D.C? Did you find my secret message?
You're too kind. :)
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