
An Update, a Weekend Get-away, and an Anniversary


My wittle baby sister has not had her baby yet. Yesterday was her due date. Due dates, for me, were so indescribable. I always knew that the odds of me having a baby on my due date were crazy slim. And yet when the due date arrived, in the back of my mind, I always thought 'alright baby, this your day, they said it was, come on...' Just sitting there, having my due date. Strange thing.

Also Gary's mother has informed us that we will leave if a category 3 hurricane comes. She said she will call us up and say, "Let's go on a vacation." She talked of staying home during the last category 3 once and her and her husband standing in the hall for safety during the worst of it. She said they could hear the nails getting pulled out. She said that was the last category 3 for her.

So I reckon we won't be flipping that coin.

We made an impromptu trip home this weekend. We needed a little getaway and she called and said she needed a visit. Gary's mom doesn't really live 'out in the coun'ry' but it often feels like it.
Because we got to do did a little of this-

This was Zoe's idea of shootin'-

Gary did the aiming, Zoe leaned over to pull the trigger.
(I took more picture with Nolan's phone camera but these were the only that transferred. Irritatin')


Happy Anniversary Ma and Pa!!!

Thanks for getting married and having me and all them youngin's. My childhood- on a scale of 1-10 was a 1,000,000. Thanks for showing me how a married couple should love and treat one another and for the comfort that came with seeing you two love each other so much.
And thanks for inviting me and Gary over for ice cream Saturday night. It was delicious and the conversation was lovely.

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